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Creating and delivering quality bespoke workshops, presentations and courses to resource and inspire healthcare professionals and community leaders across Northern Ireland.

Belfast, Learning, Coaching, Mentoring, Tutoring, Support, 1-1 Home, Education, School, Teacher, Lecturer, Facilitator, Classes


Mindfulness and Meditation for Day-to-Day Work-Life Balance (TALK)

Self-Resourcing for Effective and Affective Care (TALK / WORKSHOP)

Vital Lessons for Ageing and Later Life (TALK)

Communicating healthy boundaries through responsibility, respect and empathy (TALK)


Navigating Core Principles of Self-Regulation and Co-Regulation in Day-to-Day Practice (WORKSHOP)

Essential Care Skills (Language, Communication & Empathy) 2 DAY WORKSHOP

Mindfulness and the Curious Function of Stress (TALK / WORKSHOP)

​*  Understanding the Brain: Co-Creating a Language of Connection and Care (TALK / MINI-WORKSHOP)

Click for sample Participant Certificate 

**Here at Klarios we are trauma-informed, trauma-sensitive and trauma-literate.

Some benefits of team-care . . . 

* Supports a culture of human well-being and enthusiasm 


*  Reduces individual and collective levels of stress and anxiety


*  Creates empowered sustainable relationships that foster widespread positivity and goodwill


*  Fosters personal responsibility, development, self-esteem and effectiveness - with the latest coaching tools and techniques


*  All tailored to your group's and individuals' needs

Belfast, Learning, Coaching, Mentoring, Tutoring, Support, 1-1 Home, Education, School, Teacher, Lecturer, Facilitator, Classes

How can you best support your team, group or organisation?

Contact us for a no-obligation Team Needs Overview or informal chat.

028 95 736 701

Group Needs Survey


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